Nonsense Wishes

Apparently I should have been writing three wishes at a time from the start since that seems to be my trend.

Day 16: I wish it was Friday already! Or Christmas.

Day 17: I wish the world didn’t revolve around money the way that it seems to.

Day 18: I wish I didn’t think so much. It drives me crazy and most of the time it only makes matters worse, whatever matter is it that I’m thinking about. Overthinking can create problems that are don’t even exist and stress and worry you over nothing. I just can’t help it. I wish the people of my past didn’t have so much control over the way I think and the reasons that I think about things so much. I wish I had more confidence. As I sit here writing this there is a battle in my mind. The same battle I fight every time my mind seems to run amok. The positive, happy voice in my head is doing its best overpower the negative voice. Why is it the negative voice is always so much louder?

This next portion likely won’t make much sense to anyone. They are just little phrases or code-words to help me in times like this. There’s just something about writing them down. The words we are too afraid to speak will always speak themselves once they are written down. As soon as we speak, the words become a thing of the past. Writing changes that. Writing preserves words forever. So here are my nonsensical words/phrases that are mainly for me, but maybe some of my readers will get it and feel something too.

Relationships are handfuls of sand.

It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.

“I’m not going anywhere.”

Don’t give up.

You’re good enough. You’re worthy. You’re lovable, and more importantly you’re loved.

Also, for an extra read, I reblogged this about a year ago, and I re-read it today. Still love it.

25 Days of Wishes Day 15 (Babies!)

This post is late as well, but this time I have a good reason!

Yesterday my sister gave birth to two beautiful twin babies, Samantha Elizabeth and Anthony David (or Samanthony) as I have already taken to calling them.

So my wish for the day is for them.

I wish them a lifetime of happiness. I wish them enough strength to deal with the sorrows they will experience. I wish them enough wisdom to understand the troubles they face. I wish them enough love to fill their hearts and souls. I wish them enough light to keep the dark at bay, and I wish them enough courage to live everyday they way they wish.

I wish my sister a speedy recovery and enough strength, wisdom, love and happiness to raise five children!

Another 3 Wishes

Weekends are getting busier and my blogging is getting worse! Here are my wishes for the past three days when I have neglected my wonderful readers!

Day 12: I wish that I couldn’t relate to this post. I wish I would have taken a part in the conversation. I wish my generation had a better reputation. I tend to agree with everything that is said in that post and it makes me very sad. I can only hope that the next generations will have a more positive outlook on things.

Day 13: I wish I believed in myself just a little bit more. Remember when we were young and people asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up and we could be anything we could imagine? And it changed all the time and that was okay? I want to go back to that. I want to go back to the naive belief that there were no limits. I could have the most average or most outrageous desires and no one, especially I, would doubt me. We grow up and have to face reality and the dreams that we once clung to for dear life suddenly become out of reach, or undesirable, sometimes even impossible. We become jaded, and cycnical and we get stuck in a rut that we’re too afraid to try to get out of. So we just accept the mediocrity that is our life. If only we could keep our same childhood sense of wonderment alive.

Day 14: I wish I could remember the last time I got decent sleep. My brain doesn’t seem to relax even when my body is aching with exhaustion. Maybe when my cuddle buddy comes back I will be able to sleep a little better.


I may seem a little bitter/depressing today… It’s a Monday, I’m running on four hours of sleep and had a two hour dental appointment at 7 this morning. What more can I say for myself?

25 Days of Wishes Days 10&11

Day 10: I wish that every woman was able to see her beauty and her worth. I wish every woman had the strength to leave bad situations and hold their head up high. I wish women could feel confidence and didn’t seek validation from external sources. I wish girls grew up in a world where we were nice to each other instead of a world where we’re told, “Girls are mean” and we talk badly about other girls to try and feel better about ourselves. I wish women defined “beauty” the way they want, not how society tells them to. I wish every woman knowledge to change the world, strength to change themselves, and courage to face the world.

Day 11: I wish that every person dealing with depression was able to see their worth. I wish they felt like they had someone to talk to, something to believe in, and something to live for. I wish they could see all the beauty in the world, instead of walking around in a haze of shades of grey. I wish they could remember what it feels like to laugh, and to smile, and most of all, to mean it. I wish that everyone could have someone there to remind them that they are not alone. And I wish we would all take a minute to stop and realize that we have no idea what is going on in someone’s life, and maybe we should make an effort to be a little bit kinder to the people we meet.

25 Days of Wishes Day 9

I wish that we didn’t have to label politicians. I think it would be a very interesting study to give people different options for both candidates and for policies without giving any hints as to which party or gender they belong to. I wish more people would educate themselves about the issues and the candidates and all the factors that may play into their votes.

So many people nowadays see that a candidate is Republican or Democrat and automatically make assumptions. They then base those decisions on the assumptions they already made. We have connotations of each party and we often can’t look past them.

After terrorist attacks we always hear politicians and talking heads say we need to unite, and come together. In fact, recently, we have done the exact opposite in those situations. This country is becoming more and more polarized as politicians become more and more extreme in their views. The last time I can remember this country truly uniting is after September 11th. I sure hope it doesn’t take another tragedy of that scale for us to realize how much we actually have in common with each other.

25 Days of Wishes Day 8

I wish that there were more stories about the good cops in the world than the bad ones. I wish there were no bad cops, but unfortunately, we have bad people and that’s why we need good cops.

Today a Denver police officer was shot multiple times during a routine traffic stop. Here is a story about him from the Denver Police Department’s Facebook page:

“Earlier this year, a four year-old girl called 911 after her mother passed out, and Denver Police District 2 Officer Tony Lopez did more than respond to the scene. The mother was revived by paramedics, and Officer Lopez learned she was having serious medical issues. Her daughter, who acted bravely in the face of a very scary situation, was noticeably nervous about Officer Lopez’s presence on the scene. Later that same week, in an effort to improve the child’s comfort level with law enforcement, Officer Lopez returned to the home to visit, with a Happy Meal in hand for the little girl. Her attitude and comfort level with Officer Lopez had noticeably improved. While there, Officer Lopez learned that the little girl’s birthday was coming up, but due to the mother’s medical bills, she would not be able to provide presents or throw a party for her daughter. Officer Lopez, again went out of his way, purchased gifts for the little girl and arranged for a local Skate City to donate a skate party for her birthday. Officer Lopez is undoubtably a “Top Cop” and we couldn’t be more proud to have him amongst our ranks.” – Denver Police Department

Or the story about a Denver police officer who helped a homeless man get a job and a place to stay, who is now earning his own way.

Or the story about the two Denver police officers that replaced valuable items to the family whose home was recently burglarized.

Why is it that we don’t hear about these stories?

I wish the officer who is recovering from surgery after being shot has a speedy recovery and that justice will be served. I wish everyone could understand what it feels like to have a family member choose policing as their profession. Hearing sirens means something different. Seeing flashing lights means wondering if everyone is okay. Learning that an officer has been shot hits close to home.

Police officers are not pigs. They are people.

“We’re here to put bad guys in jail. Everything else is bullshit.” – Kirk Miller, Retired Denver Detective


Related reads: Read this awesome article, or watch this touching video.

I fell behind so here are 3 wishes!

Day 5: I wish I felt safe or encouraged to say everything that is on my mind. I try to only say positive or constructive things, but sometimes I wish I had one or two people who I can just complain to.

Day 6: I wish disease didn’t exist. Yes, our immune systems are strengthened when we combat a disease. But I wish that wasn’t necessary. Luckily we have had so much movement in the medical world and the advancements we have made are amazing, but I don’t think it will ever be enough. I wish all of the people of the world who are suffering from a disease right now can find strength and heal quickly and permanently.

Day 7: I wish I was more confident in general. I wish I didn’t take one picture a few months ago that changed my entire opinion on certain parts of me. Now that is all I see when I look at a picture of myself. I wish my generation wasn’t so self-absorbed and understood that validation doesn’t come from social media. I might disconnect just so I can reconnect with myself. And gain back the confidence I had before I took that damn “selfie.”

25 Days of Wishes: Day 4

I wish my job wasn’t sucking the life and happiness out of me on a daily basis.

I wish my bosses could see that I have more potential than they may believe.

I wish I wasn’t already at the peak of my responsibilities at only 6 months in.

I wish I didn’t feel like I was wasting my life sitting in what can only be described as a cave.

I wish that I didn’t come home or wake up with my stomach in knots from the stress that I feel.

I wish that I felt like I was putting my degree to good use instead of wasting thousands of dollars worth of tuition.

I wish that I didn’t have a job where I all do is sit and stew in my own thoughts, because that seems to only make it worse.

I wish that my past experience wasn’t so hyper-focused on a goal that I thought I wanted to accomplish.

I wish someone would take a chance and give me some exposure and experience to the field I actually want to be. Please.

I wish that my attitude made a difference, but in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t.

I wish that I had the luxury of quitting for all these reasons.

25 Days of Wishes Days 2 and 3

Day 2: I wish that the citizens of this country could remember the last time they truly felt safe. I wish that we didn’t have to be on high alert whenever we’re in a crowded room. I wish that my nephews didn’t have to hear about all the tragedies that keep occurring and fear going to school. I wish politicians didn’t use these tragedies to further their agendas. I wish we were all a little bit kinder to one another, a little more understanding, and a little more compassionate.

Day 3: I wish there was an easy fix for a current friendship of mine. I feel as though I lost her to a relationship. Now I understand that the beginning of a new relationship is exciting and fun and all you want to do is spend time with that person. But when it’s been a year or more, you have to remember the life and the friends you had before that. Friendship is a two-way street. We all want to talk about ourselves; people love that. But that’s just it, sometimes people want you to listen to them as well. If you ask for advice and you continue to disregard it, they will stop giving it. If you come to them to talk about the same issues, they will run out of things to say. If you never seem interested in their lives, they will eventually stop talking about it. And what kind of friendship is that? Sounds more like a therapist/patient relationship. We have been friends for quite some time and I can feel that bond slipping away. And I want to grab on to it, but what’s really in it for me?

25 Days of Wishes: Day 1

In my family, Sunday is football day from September to February (or whenever it starts). So naturally, on Sunday this week, we watched RedZone all day long, which included the pre-game interviews. There was a touching story about Rashad Jennings of the New York Giants. He talked about how he asked his dad to stop smoking and drinking and his dad asked if he believed he could go his whole life, including making it to the NFL, without smoking or drinking himself. He said that to this day, he has never done either of the two. The story of how he believed he could be an NFL player and how his dad helped him through really struck a chord.

Many, many little boys grow up wanting to be a professional athlete. And they make decisions in their lives based on the belief that they can. They see people who are just like them achieve the same dream and they say, “I’m going to do that.” After the story about Jennings and his father was over, I looked at my dad and said, “Girls don’t have that.”

Let me elaborate. I was not trying to say that girls don’t have a desire to believe that they can do it, nor that we don’t have positive role models who are in the position that we wish to be in later in life, or a supportive parent, or a touching story.

Girls don’t have a huge, multi-billion dollar industry of role models that they see in the media on a daily basis. What is the equivalent of the NFL? MLB? NBA? There is nothing of the same magnitude that allows little girls across the country to see and think to themselves, “I’m going to do that,” or “I wanna be just like her.”

Like I said, we have plenty of role models and strong women who we can aspire to be. But there is not one, single, group that allows us to see our future selves that gets the recognition that athletes do.

So my wish, is that someday there will be. My wish is that someday my future daughter will see strong women who they aspire to be like, as often as they see or hear about professional athletes. I can’t think of a single profession that every little girl has aspired to be at one point. Why? My wish is that when I tell my daughter “You can do anything,” that I’m not lying to her. My wish is that one day, we won’t have to tell our daughters that they can do anything because it’s a given, and because they wouldn’t know to think otherwise. My wish is that the day my daughter decides what it is she wants, she goes out and does it.
